my fantastic bookmarks in a particularly random order
note the new trend toward "useful" stuff after all the useless crap we've already had. Well, I've already got a list! Hahaha and I proclaim mines the most essentially useful of them all!!!
- Audio, Hearing, Computer, EE and whatever else I happen to care about at this moment
Banned Books Online
Map of your house on the Net!
Here or here register to vote!!! Boy, do I feel dangerous now.
And after going through all that pain, a shorter link to California to vote. Other states click here
Ha, I knew netscape had a bug!
Network Audio Bits Electronic Mag.
Audio Engineering Society
Car Audio World
More car audio
Archives of classical midi files
A great new site I found with computer sound info and resources including this link to chinese music
Dat information
circuit.bin These are some electronic components I drew up in Microsoft Word that I found useful for writing all them lab reports. After downloading, rename the file to circircuit.doc and open with Word. Email me additions and suggestions!
Annex script for Windows NT There was some publication for a scripted connection to Berkeley Annex somewhere, but the script didn't work very well. Here, I present a more reliable method to automatically connect to Annex.
CPU info center
- Computer Information/Software
- Windows NT and Window 95
Windows NT Software and Links Page
Windows NT and Netscape Tips
Lots of software and info for windows 95
A new page I found with some good info.
Rick's Windows NT info center. A great but unfortunately unreliable site. (Closing netscape and reloading seems to work most of the time though hmm...)
Windows NT Public Domain Software
Windows Software Archive at Cal State San Marcos
Windows 95 Software
Frank Condron's Windows 95 Page
Digital Windows NT page
- Linux
All you want to know about linux (Linux Documentation Project)
Mirror of Linux Documentation Project
More Linux
Linux applications
Mirror of Linux applications
Scientific Linux Apps
- OS/2
The Warp Pharmacy (Berkeley, California)
More OS/2 places
Os2 Stuff
Even more os2 stuff
- Misc/Other
All you wanna know about PPP/SLIP
All you wanna know about GhostView
SQL Standards Home Page
Jeff Tsay's Computer Information Page
- Reference Material
Webster's Dictionary on Line or maybe this will work.
And a thesaurus too! or you can do it faster from here...
Encyclopedia Britannica and dictionary and stuff!
Refrence Shelf
They're suppose to be working on a project to have much of the library reference material on line"
Translate your telephone number into words!
She has some nice reference material
- HTML Writing
HTML quick reference
Netscape Extentions to HTML
HTML writer's guild? Wait, now exactly what centry am I in???
List of special charaters stolen and improved
The browser masters' page of html-assistance sites
- Newspapers and Magazines
Ziff Davis mags (Such as PC Maag and PC Week)
I think Time Mag and People and other junk's here
The Gate
San Jose Mercury News
Don't like these papers??? Try this list then!
- Television
KQED, local PBS station
ABC Online
KGO local ABC affiliate, channel 7
KGTV San Diego ABC affiliate with programming schedule
CBS Online
KPIX local CBS affiliate, channel 5
NBC Online
KRON local NBC affiliate, channel 4 (Seems to be broken right now)
NBC affiliate down in LA. (Links works and they have TV schedule)
- Jobs!
Online Career Center
America's Job Bank
E-Span Interactive Employment Network"
- Business Stuff
- Cool Places to visit
HotWired - New Thinking for a New Medium (don't be afraid to subscribe, it's free!)
Basics of Space Fdtght Introduction
Earth and Its Reference Systems--1
Exploratorium Home Page
CBS Television Home Page
MPEG Archive Statistics
Anime & Stuff
Peter Fagan's Webspace
Peter Fagan's ROBOTECH Page
- UC Berkeley Sites
EE 140 class site
EE 141 class site
UC Berkeley Home Page
The UCB Computer Science Division HTTP Server
The Student Run CAL Berkeley Home Page
UC Berkeley Open Campus Facilities
User Homepages
More user homepages (I'm on this list!) or you can do a search.
- Other junk
NETCOM Home Page
Netlink Server Additions: Mon 10/17/94 - Wed 10/26/94
Favorite Internet Destinations
Electronic Gourmet Guide
The Recipe Folder
- MUSIC!!!
The ultimate new music experience
P.J. Harvey's Cool!
Welcome to MTV
Compact disk music clubs
Looking for a band?? This is the place to go!
The Awesome Mezzo
- My Obligatory Sports Pages
Wimbledon!!! I love that event!
My father thought the olympics were the greatest thing there was and would take us out to the local river and try and drown us so we can learn to swim really quickly and be in the event. Where the fuck is he now?
- Big 'ol corporations!
- why do i even bother putting these here? everyone else has them! oh well.
Sony Corp. At least they sell cool little useless gadgets!
IBM, yeah, those guys.
- Cool site, Mediocre site, Crappy site, you name it they'll find it.
Cool Site of the Day
A absolutely completely useless site that you *must* check out!
Fool Site of the Day, Yeah Right!
And spider's pick of the day
- Other random ppl's hotlists and/or just sites to waste a hole bunch of time at...
Bob Allison's Home Page
Yaoshiang's Hot List
Barry's Tons Of Links
Nifty Net Addresses
- Finally, there are like insane nights into morning looking at sites that I find that I haven't had the chance to categorize or something like that
Calvin & Hobbes on the net! HA!
And Farside Too! Chomsky Archives
Some lectures by Noam Chomsky (mpeg Audio)
- Enter entries and search away on the WWW!
Seach here
Or you can search Yahoo
A cool new search engine at Berkeley
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